Selasa, 22 Februari 2011

Thankyou, little brave rattie souls, for helping humanity the way you have done. Your small, short lives were lived in fear and pain from the illnesses you were given.

You only ate lab blocks and never knew the joy of yogurt,You were scruffed and never experienced the love and warmth of a skin-to-skin cuddle. Yo...u never got to dig in the dirt, or snooze in the sun, or snuggle with a brother.

But you saved so many lives, and we thank you. There is a special place in my heart for you.

Kamis, 03 Februari 2011

happy holiday

hari kamis tanggal 3. ini hari libur loh. yes. ahirnya hari ini saya tidak harus nge lab.:))
lama-lama bosen juga kalo terus-terusan nge lab yah. hebat dan salut untuk dosen saya yang concern terhadap riset dan rajin riset.

hari ini kan liburan. what should i do ya? main, cape dan g ada teman juga deh. tidur.. pegel kelamaan hibernating, oke. makan sahaja. bagaimana kalau saya masak saja.yeayyy.. mari mencari resep.
happy holiday :-*